As you enter the dungeon, a massive door blocks your way out. It's impossible now to get back from where you came from. The only solution is to keep walking forward, hoping that you might find an exit one day...

The <color=red>Randomly Generated Bastille is a strange place. Each floor, the dungeon itself shifts its color, altering the beasts inside, including you! Be careful of your surroundings while adventuring down there!</color=red>

Use WASD or the arrow keys to navigate through the place. W and S will make you move forwards and backwards respectively while A and D make you turn left or right.

To talk to some friendly folk and slay some deadly foes, use the Space bar!

In your bag, you keep all your apples and potions, much needed for your travel. If you ever feel wounded or feeling the need for a snack, you can reach into it by pressing the Enter key. You can switch the item you want to pick by pressing Shift or Tab.

Lastly, you add the wonderful idea to came prepared with a map to write down the layout of the dungeon. To check it in more detail, press M, but mind that the bastille is a strange place, one floor may not look the same as an other one.

Good luck down there, adventurer! May you find one day the exit...


R.G.B (Current).zip 32 MB
Rogue Dungeon - 27 MB
RogueDungeon - 27 MB

Install instructions

Please note than the builds are from earlier versions of the game. They serve the purpose of showing how much the project have changed through out the updates.

The version of the game in the browser is the current one, but you can also download it if you look for the current version.

Development log

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