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Explorers of your kingdom have gone missing for a few days now, while searching for new artefacts in the wilderness. As the king of this kingdom, it is your duty to rescue them and guide them back to your realm. In this Puzzle Platformer game, use your trusty light orbs to navigate inside the untamed wild and activate the different plants that you find.

Controls :

Use WASD or the Arrow Keys to move around. E or Right Click allows you to give one of your light orb to a nearby plant. Press Q or Left Click to take it back.

Note :

In the itch.io version, you won't have access to the hint option in the pause menu !

Post-Mortem :

We wanted to add prisoners at the end of every biome after Phospho to expend on the story at the beginning of the game and explain why you lose one light orb at each biome but we didn't have time to do so, so we cut it out of the game.

Game Designers :

Arthur Sanchez-Deblock

Auxence Piret

Game Artists :

Apolline Veys

Léo Eeckhoutte

Mathéo Lesage

Tobias Nunes

Léa Lievain

Jeanne Dellienne


TheLightBearer.zip 265 MB

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